Monday, October 24, 2011

Change is Good

Here it is, October 24th. Time has just flown by and I've neglected my blog, yet again. But, here I am, ready to write!

Hmmm, let's see. I completed the Couch to 5K program successfully (Yay!!) and have been running regularly ever since. Which means I've been running for almost 5 months. Now I run outside, which was VERY hard at first. I got discouraged...felt like giving up and being a treadmill runner. I was great on the treadmill. Ran for 50 minutes and 4 miles...with maybe a couple of 1 or 2 minute walks for recovery purposes. I've gone through not being able to run for longer than 1 minute, to knees that ached...but finally am on track and doing well. Am running in my first official 5K on November 6, and after a month of thinking "What was I thinking??", I can now say I'm ready. I am doing interval running and have improved my time by shaving off approximately 3 minutes to run 5K (3.1 miles). Now I'm looking forward (with excited anticipation) to that 5K in Tempe on Nov. 6th!

The temps here have not cooled down a lot, although compared to 105 or higher during the summer, having most days in the mid-90's isn't so bad. Except when I wish it were cool outside...sweater in the fire pit weather. Today some clouds have moved in, which is fine with me. By the end of the week things are expected to cool down in the 80's. That means nights will be cooler...hopefully.

New happenings here...Anthony & I have chosen to eliminate meat from our diets. He still is eating tuna fish in his lunch simply because I am at a loss for what to send him to work with. I've got a new cookbook that has a "Better Than Tuna Salad" recipe in it, which I will be trying by this weekend. If he likes it, then that will be his lunch. We also are avoiding dairy...although this isn't a strict rule, since it is very difficult to do so completely. So, we are not intentionally eating or drinking dairy...except for me when I use half and half in my morning coffee. Tried coconut creamer and it just isn't really creamy enough...but, I do plan to try again and hopefully I will stop using dairy half and half soon. More on these developments later...why, how, and what our food choices look like now that we are vegetarians/almost vegans. :) And I there such a thing as an "almost vegan"??

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It's Been Awhile...

Midsummer here in the desert. Hot, as you can imagine. Humid, as well, due to monsoons, which are a good thing here. The monsoons could be better, but they have been pretty good so far.

I'm about to begin Week 8 of the Couch to 5K now running/jogging 25 minutes at a time, but starting tomorrow (Day 1 of Week 8) I will be upping it to 28 minutes. Week 9 is the last week of the program, so I'm almost there!! More importantly, I have persevered, have become more fit and strong, and have grown in ways that can only be experienced when one challenges their physical abilities. I am very happy and, yes, pleased with myself!! I want to run. Crazy, huh?

Next up, committing to running a 5K. There is a local one in October, but I'm thinking of holding out for one in Tempe in early November. I've got friends doing that one, so it may be a better choice...something to share with friends, and experiencing the camaraderie of digging in and doing a real 5K. My husband will be there, as well, cheering me on and helping me to stay focused. He has been great, and is very proud of me...the wife he always referred to as being the most lacking in physical/athletic abilities. He has regularly been asking me "What have you done with my wife?" (joking, of course), as well as giving me kudos and lots of encouragement.

All this happened because I got on the treadmill one morning after hearing about this Couch to 5K thing, and figured it could be easy. After that first day, I was hooked. Me. The woman who grew tired when just hearing others talk about running. The woman who previously wanted to be as far from running as possible. The woman who was satisfied to just walk (rather slowly) on her treadmill and call it exercise. The woman who would choose reading over moving every time.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Another day, another milepost

Week 3 Day 1 of the Couch to 5K training program was today. That means upping the jogging times per interval. Funny thing is, the whole workout only amounted to 25 minutes, as opposed to 30, I decided to throw in an extra 3 minute jog at the end before cooling down. I was feeling good, and had my I went for it. So glad I did! Although right now I'm feeling veerrryyy tired and my legs are aching a bit. I've hit the 3:00 p.m. slump in grand style...been cleaning all day, and doing this and that, and now I just want to lay down and rest. But, I only have a couple more things on my "to do" unless I put them off until tomorrow morning, I guess I better get motivated.

I am very glad to be doing the jogging/walking looking forward to being able to do longer jogs! Hoping to do a "virtual" 5K in July, which I will do on the treadmill, depending on how well I'm doing on the program. Eventually, I want to do a 5K in the fall. Heck, I've never even wanted to run so just doing what I'm doing now is a huge step for me, especially since I WANT to do it!!

It's hotter than hell here in Arizona today. 105 but in my backyard the digital thermometer reads 107. Walking out there from inside the nice, cool house is like walking into an oven that is ready for a pizza!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Gasping for Air

I recently began participating in a training program called Couch to 5K. It is meant to get people up off the couch and moving...presumably able to run/jog a 5K in 9 weeks. Keep in mind, I've never wanted to be a runner, or a jogger. I did try jogging a bit a few years ago but ended up in pain due to some bursitis on one of my hips. So, no jogging for me (I declared happily!). I had been walking fairly regularly on the treadmill, but nothing strenuous, mind you. Then, one day a niece (Amie) of mine mentioned on Facebook this Couch to 5K (C25K) and I went to investigate. Turns out, what I read sounded doable, so I got up from my chair and got on my treadmill and did Day 1! Hmmm, easy and yet made me feel like I did something. And so it began. Without even having a desire to do anything like this, I was hooked. C25K leads one into jogging/running very slowly, increasing jog/run time very gradually over 9 weeks. Now I'm well into Week 2 (W2), having accomplished Week 2, Day 2 (W2D2) on the treadmill. This morning I decided I would like to try doing this outside, so my hubby got up early with me and we were out there by 5:45 a.m. hitting the pavement. He was so encouraging and stayed with me instead of running ahead (I'm a slow jogger/walker). A few times he mentioned that a slight hill was coming up (You're going to be going uphill soon!), and also would tell me how much time I had left to my jog (20 seconds left!). These things distracted me and made me feel like I was dreading doing it...I don't want to know I'm heading up a hill no matter how slight it is! I don't want to know how much time I have left to this jog interval that is causing my thighs to hurt and my lungs to almost burst! Just listen for the ding sound on my phone app and THEN I'll know it's time to walk again. I ended up apologizing to him for telling him to stop saying those things...he was truly encouraging (for the most part) and a great guy for staying with the weak and asthmatic wife of his, even though he could have run circles around me even while I jogged. Literally. Guess I'll have to get outside at least once a week in order to get into shape for a 5K sometime in the future. Early morning will have to do since here in AZ the day heats up and the sun becomes brutal early.

So, I have no idea how or why I am now in the midst of training for a 5K...but I am and I'm gonna stick with it! Wanna join me?

Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm baaack

Here I sit on my patio, enjoying the gorgeous beginnings of what will turn out to be a very hot day. Spring in the desert is more like mid-summer in other places. My visit back east was mom is slowly fading away into that place where very old people go, although she is still very much here and well into her 94th year. It is hard to see her struggling to walk and move...wish she had lost some significant weight 20 years ago so that her quality of life now would be better. At this point she is waiting for God to call her home...and in the meantime she doesn't do much, mostly because she physically is unable to and also she is very tired. Her mind is not at all what it was even 2 years ago. She can't remember much of anything recent...think of "50 First Dates" only instead of beginning each new day as if the previous ones didn't happen, it is every 10 minutes or so with Mom. :(

My grandson is growing and becoming quite a young man. Spending time with him is joyful for me, and I wish it could happen more often. We will be going back for Christmas this year, so I'll see him again in December!

Just want to weigh in on the Judgment Day fiasco...what was the guy thinking? Does he really believe all that crap he was spewing forth while pocketing millions of dollars in donations? Why did he need that much money with the end so near? And, most importantly...where is he NOW? He has built a cult following and unfortunately there are many people who are searching for something...anything...that will give them relief from their earthly misery. I wish they would try opening the Bible and just reading...let God instill His Word and intentions into their minds and hearts, rather than gripping some lunatic who wants to be in charge. False prophets are many...that is why holding onto to God's Word is so important.

Ah well...time to shower and get the day started.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Going East

Tomorrow morning I will get on a plane and fly to N.H. to visit some family members. Will see my oldest son, his wife and my little grandson. He and I will be able to play piano together, hopefully. He is much better at it than I am, but he has a head start of a few years of lessons. I just started mine in January. Then I'll stay with my mom, who is 94 years old. Hoping to take her to lunch and breakfast during my stay...and will also get to spend some time with my sistah, Robin! I will also go visit my good friend, Judy, who I try to see each time I visit the area, but sometimes I just don't have the time.

I just got an email from my daughter-in-law about an impending snow storm heading right for them. Sigh. It's supposed to hit tomorrow night, which is when I land in Manchester. Hoping it fades out and doesn't hit as badly as they are saying it will. Spring is not the time of year I'd like to experience snow in New England!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ashes to Ashes...

I want my burial to be natural, or green, or whatever one calls being simply laid to rest "organically". The natural burial is becoming more popular across the country, but still has a long way to go. I think my husband believes I am joking when I talk about this, not because he can't face the prospect of my death (although we both have agreed that he should probably go first, because he would have more trouble adjusting to life alone) but because he can't imagine why I should care about what happens to my earthly body once my soul has left it.

But, I am serious. I know this because I keep returning to the prospect of a simple, natural burial and find that it feels comfortable. It is not an idea that I have pondered and forgotten about. Nor have I made this statement on a whim because it sounds like the right thing to do. I have done online research and read a book or two about the subject, as well as a book or two about traditional "modern" funeral procedures and burials. The inside scoop isn't pretty, folks.

When a loved one dies, the family is usually so overcome with grief and sadness that they immediately put matters into the hands of the local funeral director and he/she does it all. The bereaved only need go pick out a casket, make appropriate (and hopefully affordable) arrangements, and then show up at the appointed times and places, even going so far as to be chauffeured to and fro. There is nothing wrong with all of that; it is "how it is done". Consider this...many years ago, before some guy realized how lucrative this could be...people took care of their own dearly departed. They often washed the body, dressed it, said good-bye as they lovingly cared for this special family member. They even had the viewing in their living rooms! Bring that coffin in, fellas, and we will set things up right here. No need to schlep down to the funeral home where everyone feels uncomfortable and out of place. Gather 'round everyone, take a look, say a prayer, have some coffee and set a spell. Then, not long after, everyone would either walk or drive to the local cemetery (sometimes family owned, but also could be church owned) to have the funeral and lay this loved person to rest. The coffin was often hand made in a simple design, no frills, no puffy pink interior to keep the loved one "comfy" in their final resting place.

Let's face it, modern funerals are for the living...the left gracefully help them adjust to losing someone they love. Makes it easier to take if everything is done "just right" and we can see for ourselves just how wonderful the process can be. And, I just can't help but think the funeral industry uses a time of vulnerability and distraction to convince the mourners that their loved one would look wonderful in THAT coffin, and having two days of viewings would give EVERYONE a chance to come say good-bye, and yes you will be very glad that you chose the limo to drive you around during this stressful time.

I digress...

Granted, embalming serves a purpose in that it does allow extra time for relatives to fly into town and attend the funeral. But the whole idea of using all that poison for this purpose really bugs me. Because you know that eventually that body is going to disintegrate, and all those chemicals (mostly formaldehyde) are eventually going to leak into the ground soil, because no matter how sturdy that casket is, and how thick that cement grave liner is, things will begin to break down and poison everything around the area.

Beyond all that, just imagining my funeral being a simple event, with my body wrapped in a shroud and placed into a grave that is in a beautiful field or forest appeals to me. Knowing that I will eventually be fertilizer for this beautiful earth that God created feels so much better than the other, more popular, option. Many family members may not be able to attend my funeral, since time will be of the essence (no embalming!) and there may not be time (well, there's always dry ice, which aids in preservation for a little longer time), and I can empathize with that. But, since how and where I am laid to rest is my last decision, I do believe those who love me will understand and perhaps some day go visit the place where I rest and enjoy the beauty that I am now a part of.

More on this later. In the meantime, here are some links if you want to learn more:

You can also Google "green burials" or "natural burials" and you will come up with plenty of info.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Insurance Sales People

I'm just gonna say that they annoy me. My advice is to never go looking for quotes or info...because they will haunt you relentlessly until you either buy something or tell them unequivocally that you won't buy something. My hubby has been looking for quotes from various companies, just to see about changing our life insurance, etc. This one guy in particular has been driving me crazy. Calling about every other day, as well as sending an email right after he calls. This has been going on for weeks, even though he was told no decisions will be made for at least another month. If then. I'm gonna answer his next call and tell him to PLEEEEZE stop calling and just sit tight until WE contact him. that off my chest.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What to do

Here I sit with my cup of green & white tea, and a Vita-Muffin top (corn) while dealing with aching hips and wondering why I am so not athletically inclined. Apparently, while playing softball (which I never do) with friends on Saturday, I strained or tore or otherwise injured some tendons or muscles that I never use. I never thought I'd actually hit the ball, so didn't think twice about have to sprint from base to base. I hit the ball, twice. Well, actually 3 times, but by the third time up at bat I knew I couldn't run the bases, so had a designated runner (is there such a thing?). My hips and upper thighs are very sore and painful...which had begun to fade away but yesterday I found it necessary to gently jog into Target as I was in a hurry, but that was the wrong thing to do. By the time I finished my business in there and headed toward my car, I knew I was back in pain city. Barely able to lift my legs getting into the car, and have continued to have pain when moving certain well as an overall ache in the hip area...makes me wonder why. I walk regularly on the treadmill, including uphill with little jogs and walking backwards, and I do yoga several times a week, yet I seem to not be in any better shape than I was in my pre-exercise state. Sigh. Perhaps it is age. Still. It makes me feel like an invalid who can't move at all without having consequences.

No wonder people give up on being physically fit. I come from a long line of wet noodles...I'd like to change that trend but it isn't looking promising.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hump Day

Yep, it's Wednesday. For the unofficially retired, it is often just another day...but, since I do participate in various activities then it is Wednesday to me. Today is the day of each week that I tutor a little 2nd grader in reading. When I began tutoring, I wasn't so sure it was something I could do, but as time has passed I've found I am really enjoying it, and I do believe it is helping the student to read better. I LOVE to read, so figured it was something I should a young mind understand words more so someday he will also love to read.

Perhaps at some point I'll post a book review now and then. I just read a novel titled "Still Alice". What a great book, although when I began reading it I wasn't so sure it was going to be great. The story is about an about-to-turn 50 woman who is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. The author is a Ph.D. in neurology at Harvard U, and knows what she is writing about. The story drew me in, and before I knew it I was trying to read it all the time...sad, funny, interesting and scary. I learned quite a bit about the symptoms and progression of Alzheimer's, as well as what a likely frame of mind a patient might have. Whew. I cried, laughed and got really angry at the woman's husband, who seemed selfish. Although, to be fair he was struggling with watching his wife spiral down into the horrible state of being an Alzheimer's sufferer. And he did end up being more understanding and providing a good life for her. Hmmmm, I guess I just wrote a book review...a short one! :)

On that note...I am now taking piano lessons!! And I love cool to be making music. My "Nana" played and I would watch and listen to her when I was a child. My grandson has been taking lessons for several years, so seeing and hearing him kind of got me interested again. Maybe some day I will play really well!

Speaking of piano...I must go practice.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Enjoyed church this morning, and ABF (Adult Bible Fellowship) which we are Directors of and which is basically an adult Sunday school class. Been doing it for over 2 years now, and have to say I really am liking it. Definitely has its ups and downs...but our leadership team is fantastic and the whole experience is fulfilling, hopefully for those who attend it as much as for us.

My youngest son has recently been accepted to Eller School of Management at the University of Arizona. So proud of him and happy...took a while for him to get there, but now he has two years left of college and should be set to seek a satisfying and lucrative career post-graduation. He'll be WINNING!!! (sorry, couldn't resist)

My daughter seems to be response to my text or my post on Facebook. Sometimes I wonder why she doesn't respond to I an overbearing mother? Do I interfere (or seem to) too much? I really try not to, but how do I know if I'm being concerned or crossing over the line to being intrusive? Sigh. This mothering thing doesn't get any all you young moms who think once the kids get older and self-sufficient it will be a smooth ride, HA! Don't kid yourself. Mothers worry M-O-R-E when their kids are adults and we can't see the choices they are making...and they tell us what they want us to know or what they think we want to hear, and nothing more. Which is the way of things. I did the same with my mother, who by the way is now 94 years old. If she knew of just a small portion of what I did as a young adult (and older) she would likely be appropriately shocked. So, I don't tell her, but then again at this point she likely wouldn't remember it anyway!

Time to think about dinner...and spending time with the hubster. Who, by the way, is the best husband in the world (see above).

Friday, March 11, 2011

Well, Hello Again

It is now 2011...almost 2 years have passed since my last post. I have been re-inspired by one of my nieces to get back to my blog. I figure if she can blog while being a full-time mommy of 2 toddlers, I should be able to take another stab at it. I am, for all intents and purposes, retired, which means I don't have to chase children around all day, wiping noses, changing diapers, dealing with temper tantrums while attempting to challenge and amuse them, like my now-blogging niece does.

Reading my previous posts has been entertaining. Now I have to decide (or rather gather the courage) to make it known that I have a blog. Sometimes it is hard to reveal who I really am to those who may not know me very well...even (or rather, especially) family members. I hate to think I may be disliked or rejected because of my revelations of my deep thoughts and feelings...or mostly opinions. Opinions are all around us every day, in many ways. Sometimes jabbing at us...sometimes floating around...many times "in your face", and it can be hard to consider and/or accept someone's opinion when it differs so much from what we hold dear as our opinion. Emotions can run high when opinions show themselves...and I am so not confrontational that in many cases I would just as soon keep my opinion to myself in order to "keep the peace". That being said, as I have aged and learned who I am, I am finding I'm a little more daring when it comes to sharing my opinion...hence this blog. And it won't be all opinion, oh that would be awful. I will aim toward more reflecting and what I am experiencing in this life of mine.

I invite you to read on...this is me...well, not all of me, but a fairly good representation. I'll try not to be too serious about myself or my opinions...but I will also allow this to be the place where I can be free to just let it all hang out. And, comment if you want to...I would love to know what you think.

Now, let's see if I can write more in a day or two...