Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm baaack

Here I sit on my patio, enjoying the gorgeous beginnings of what will turn out to be a very hot day. Spring in the desert is more like mid-summer in other places. My visit back east was mom is slowly fading away into that place where very old people go, although she is still very much here and well into her 94th year. It is hard to see her struggling to walk and move...wish she had lost some significant weight 20 years ago so that her quality of life now would be better. At this point she is waiting for God to call her home...and in the meantime she doesn't do much, mostly because she physically is unable to and also she is very tired. Her mind is not at all what it was even 2 years ago. She can't remember much of anything recent...think of "50 First Dates" only instead of beginning each new day as if the previous ones didn't happen, it is every 10 minutes or so with Mom. :(

My grandson is growing and becoming quite a young man. Spending time with him is joyful for me, and I wish it could happen more often. We will be going back for Christmas this year, so I'll see him again in December!

Just want to weigh in on the Judgment Day fiasco...what was the guy thinking? Does he really believe all that crap he was spewing forth while pocketing millions of dollars in donations? Why did he need that much money with the end so near? And, most importantly...where is he NOW? He has built a cult following and unfortunately there are many people who are searching for something...anything...that will give them relief from their earthly misery. I wish they would try opening the Bible and just reading...let God instill His Word and intentions into their minds and hearts, rather than gripping some lunatic who wants to be in charge. False prophets are many...that is why holding onto to God's Word is so important.

Ah well...time to shower and get the day started.

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