Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hump Day

Yep, it's Wednesday. For the unofficially retired, it is often just another day...but, since I do participate in various activities then it is Wednesday to me. Today is the day of each week that I tutor a little 2nd grader in reading. When I began tutoring, I wasn't so sure it was something I could do, but as time has passed I've found I am really enjoying it, and I do believe it is helping the student to read better. I LOVE to read, so figured it was something I should a young mind understand words more so someday he will also love to read.

Perhaps at some point I'll post a book review now and then. I just read a novel titled "Still Alice". What a great book, although when I began reading it I wasn't so sure it was going to be great. The story is about an about-to-turn 50 woman who is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. The author is a Ph.D. in neurology at Harvard U, and knows what she is writing about. The story drew me in, and before I knew it I was trying to read it all the time...sad, funny, interesting and scary. I learned quite a bit about the symptoms and progression of Alzheimer's, as well as what a likely frame of mind a patient might have. Whew. I cried, laughed and got really angry at the woman's husband, who seemed selfish. Although, to be fair he was struggling with watching his wife spiral down into the horrible state of being an Alzheimer's sufferer. And he did end up being more understanding and providing a good life for her. Hmmmm, I guess I just wrote a book review...a short one! :)

On that note...I am now taking piano lessons!! And I love cool to be making music. My "Nana" played and I would watch and listen to her when I was a child. My grandson has been taking lessons for several years, so seeing and hearing him kind of got me interested again. Maybe some day I will play really well!

Speaking of piano...I must go practice.

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