Monday, October 24, 2011

Change is Good

Here it is, October 24th. Time has just flown by and I've neglected my blog, yet again. But, here I am, ready to write!

Hmmm, let's see. I completed the Couch to 5K program successfully (Yay!!) and have been running regularly ever since. Which means I've been running for almost 5 months. Now I run outside, which was VERY hard at first. I got discouraged...felt like giving up and being a treadmill runner. I was great on the treadmill. Ran for 50 minutes and 4 miles...with maybe a couple of 1 or 2 minute walks for recovery purposes. I've gone through not being able to run for longer than 1 minute, to knees that ached...but finally am on track and doing well. Am running in my first official 5K on November 6, and after a month of thinking "What was I thinking??", I can now say I'm ready. I am doing interval running and have improved my time by shaving off approximately 3 minutes to run 5K (3.1 miles). Now I'm looking forward (with excited anticipation) to that 5K in Tempe on Nov. 6th!

The temps here have not cooled down a lot, although compared to 105 or higher during the summer, having most days in the mid-90's isn't so bad. Except when I wish it were cool outside...sweater in the fire pit weather. Today some clouds have moved in, which is fine with me. By the end of the week things are expected to cool down in the 80's. That means nights will be cooler...hopefully.

New happenings here...Anthony & I have chosen to eliminate meat from our diets. He still is eating tuna fish in his lunch simply because I am at a loss for what to send him to work with. I've got a new cookbook that has a "Better Than Tuna Salad" recipe in it, which I will be trying by this weekend. If he likes it, then that will be his lunch. We also are avoiding dairy...although this isn't a strict rule, since it is very difficult to do so completely. So, we are not intentionally eating or drinking dairy...except for me when I use half and half in my morning coffee. Tried coconut creamer and it just isn't really creamy enough...but, I do plan to try again and hopefully I will stop using dairy half and half soon. More on these developments later...why, how, and what our food choices look like now that we are vegetarians/almost vegans. :) And I there such a thing as an "almost vegan"??

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