Thursday, June 18, 2015

Good intentions...

My mom used to say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  Although she has always been a very easy going lady, this has always been one of her "lessons" learned along the path of life.  I think it could be true, though.  Good intentions are great!  But the follow through is what matters.

I opened this post with the whole good intensions thing because that has been one of my struggles in keeping this blog.  I should have just given up a while back.  I haven't posted since 2011!!  Almost 4 years.  So much has happened in life and in the world.

I guess I'm no longer considered middle aged, although I don't feel a day over 45 or so.  I'm approaching 61 (2 1/2 weeks to go!) but I really feel much younger, even in spite of some health issues I've dealt with...nothing serious or life threatening.

My youngest son graduated from the U of A in 2013!  What a fabulous time that was...all our kids were here to celebrate, as well as a few other family members.  We had a great party for him and he has been living in a couple of hours away and working for the company he wanted to work for.  We are very proud of him.

My stepson was married in July 2014 to a wonderful young woman!  They live in Texas, but were married here.  What a blessed time it was...a beautiful wedding with many fond memories.

I had a cervical spine fusion surgery done in August 2014.  After years of suffering with radiating pain and issues with my neck it has been so good to have moved beyond that.

We adopted a sweet, lovable and loyal dog in August of 2012!  He is a Lhasa Apso mix (some poodle in there, I believe) and although he was a very sad looking mutt, I insisted on checking him out.  My husband didn't understand what I saw in him, but now he knows.  We named him Bentley.  Once the ink was dry on the adoption papers, we immediately had him groomed and a cute little guy was revealed!  He is THE BEST dog we could have hoped for.  Never chewed on anything.  Aside from a very few pee accidents during the first weeks of him living with us, he never goes potty anywhere but outside.  He even goes outside to throw up!


He does suffer from mild separation anxiety when I go out, but it is limited to whining and walking around with his favorite toy in his mouth.  And he also lays down by whatever door I left through, usually until I return.  At least that is what has been witnessed by my son and hubby.  He also isn't good with other dogs, and seems to think they are all out to get him.  I doubt he was socialized much as a puppy, and was likely low man on the totem pole at the very crowded foster home.  We love him so much and we are grateful to be able to give him the forever home he deserves.

Time to sign off.  Will be trying to post things here more often.  The world is changing so much, so fast these days...and I feel the need to record my observations, feelings and (horrors!) opinion.  Facebook is not a place where one can really do that without being attacked.  Everyone talks a good talk about being tolerant and allowing everyone to have their own opinions and disagreeing with respect...but I don't see much to back that up online.  Even many vegans are nasty and judgmental people who find fault with everyone who doesn't live up to their rules and expectations.  It is a sad, sad thing.  Hence, I am careful of sharing my thoughts and feelings.  Right or wrong, we all have the right to express ourselves without persecution.  This is my blog and therefore I am free to state whatever I want to...if readers (if there are any) don't care for my views and beliefs, then they can always not read it.  At the very least, it will provide a sort of diary for my children when I am gone. They will be able to see I am more than "Mom" or "Mama" or "Ma"...and I do think that is important.

Ta ta for now.