Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Oink Flu

Let's keep this in perspective.  There is a new strain of the flu out there, which happened to start in Mexico, by all accounts.  Now Janet Napolitano insists we should not be calling it the "swine" flu, and has renamed it.  Really...does it matter what we call it?  Do we really have to be politically correct even when it comes to illness names? Maybe we should call it the Mexican flu, but wait...that won't do because that insinuates it started in Mexico and may offend them in some way...hmmmm, well I'm at a loss and just don't know which way to turn.  

Whatever it gets labeled as, I just don't think the Dept. of Homeland Security needs to be involved.  Why are they involved?  Isn't this a medical and health issue?  Why aren't the big medical associations and the government run health departments the ones who are doing the press conferences and renaming duties?   What is alarming to me is how we are supposed to be listening to people in the government who really should be dealing with closing borders to illegal immigrants and deporting all the illegals who are living off our tax dollars simply because they had the nerve to come here (ILLEGALLY, by the way), have children, and declare they have a right to live here as if they are American citizens because their children are citizens born here.  Not to mention all the drug activity and violence that is happening because of cartels who ILLEGALLY cross the border with their guns and drugs and cause chaos...come on Ms. Napolitano, lets get on the right track here.  You come from Arizona...can't you focus on what the majority of citizens here are concerned with??

Next thing we know...we will be told we have to line up for some sort of vaccine that is supposed to prevent and/or cure this new flu...whether we want to or not.  

I vote we call it the "Oink Flu".  Achoo!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Can we just stop it...now?

Ok, I've got to say something about all the hubbub around Miss California (Carrie Prejean) and her answer to a question during the pageant.  I am not sure I understand why Perez Hilton was a judge...and why he asked a loaded question that had the potential of bringing an answer he wouldn't like is beyond me.  He isn't really someone I would think anyone would choose to judge a beauty pageant, let alone be involved with anything that is supposed to be classy or reputable (notice I said "supposed to be").  I don't really like beauty pageants, but hey, if other people like them I don't mind.  Anyway, this Perez Hilton guy is a strange one...he has a website where he posts pictures of celebrities and draws male genitalia on their faces, and other such gross things.  He also insults and degrades them all, getting his fame at the expense of those who never asked him into their lives, and likely don't care what he thinks.  Somehow, he became famous for doing this.  How does this make him worthy of fame and fortune...and why does it make him a good candidate to represent a beauty pageant?  I mean...does his opinion REALLY matter so much?  

All that aside...Carrie answered Perez's question respectfully and honestly.  Now it seems she is labeled as a horrible person who doesn't represent what Miss California stands for?  Well, exactly what does Miss California stand for?  Why would her supporters and handlers suddenly desert her when she would need them the most, just because she has a different opinion and belief than they do?  I mean, don't they know who she is after spending so much time grooming her and preparing her to compete?  And why would the sponsors and advertisers need an apology...why are they disappointed in her?  I just don't understand any of this.  America is supposed to be a free country, where opinions can be expressed, and each one of us is free to hold dearly to their own beliefs.  Oh, wait...does that mean that we don't admit to those beliefs for fear of being shunned and rejected...or worse?  Why would Carrie's abilities and talents be affected by her belief that marriage is a one man, one woman deal?  And after all the screening and investigating that I'm sure goes on when one applies to be a contestant in such a thing, didn't ANYONE know that was how she believes?  

Why do people who are supposedly open to any type of lifestyle and any type of beliefs behave so irrationally and angrily when someone comes along who is different from them?  Aren't those very people the ones who judge everyone else so harshly?  They are hypocrites and very judgmental and ought to just chill out and practice what they preach...acceptance of all people, regardless of their religions, beliefs, morals and lifestyle. 

I've gotta say that I read articles online and the comments readers were posting, and I'd say 95% of the readers who commented about this were VERY supportive of Carrie, and VERY disgusted with Perez Hilton and all the others who joined on his bandwagon.  America is NOT mostly for gay marriage (no matter what the news media would have you believe), and it is awful that those who do not support gay marriage are afraid and ashamed to speak their opinions on this.  Why are those who support gay marriage allowed to speak as loudly as they please...yet those who don't support it are supposed to keep their mouths shut?  

Well, I say, Good for you, Carrie!!  I'm proud of you for expressing exactly how you believe and not caring that those people judge you because you aren't like them.  Stand firm and be intentional in your life.  I'm guessing that you will go far and be very successful, in spite of the attempts by those who do not matter to drag you through the mud.   Congratulations on your loss...I'm betting by now you are glad you didn't get tied into that gig!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's been a long time...

Yikes!  I can't believe I haven't posted anything here in years...3 years, actually.  Wow, time really does fly...even when not having fun.  That's not to say I'm not having fun...my life is great and sometimes I wonder why I am so blessed.

There have been so many changes in both the world, the nation and my life during my "hiatus"   Hmmmm, where to begin?  

I'll consider what to next write about and will be sure to do it again soon.